Properties |
Methods |
constructor(options: GrpcClientOptions)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:94
A class which keeps the context of gRPC and auth for the gRPC.
Parameters :
auth |
Type : GoogleAuth
Defined in src/grpc.ts:91
grpc |
Type : GrpcModule
Defined in src/grpc.ts:93
grpcVersion |
Type : string
Defined in src/grpc.ts:94
promise |
Type : PromiseConstructor
Defined in src/grpc.ts:92
Async _getCredentials | ||||||||
_getCredentials(opts: ClientStubOptions)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:141
Creates a gRPC credentials. It asks the auth data if necessary.
Parameters :
Returns :
The promise which will be resolved to the gRPC credential. |
Static _resolveFile |
_resolveFile(protoPath: string, filename: string)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:190
Returns :
constructSettings | ||||||||||||||||||||
constructSettings(serviceName: string, clientConfig: gax.ClientConfig, configOverrides: gax.ClientConfig, headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:252
A wrapper of constructSettings function under the gRPC context. Most of parameters are common among constructSettings, please take a look.
Parameters :
Returns :
A mapping of method names to CallSettings. |
Static createByteLengthFunction | ||||||||
createByteLengthFunction(message: literal type)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:304
Creates a 'bytelength' function for a given proto message class. See BundleDescriptor about the meaning of the return value.
Parameters :
Returns :
(obj: {}) => any
Async createStub | ||||||||||||
createStub(CreateStub, options: ClientStubOptions)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:281
Creates a gRPC stub with current gRPC and auth.
Parameters :
Returns :
A promse which resolves to a gRPC stub instance. |
loadFromProto | ||||||||||||
loadFromProto(filename: string, options: grpcProtoLoader.Options)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:161
Loads the gRPC service from the proto file at the given path and with the given options.
Parameters :
Returns :
loadProto | ||||||||||||
loadProto(protoPath: string, filename: string)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:174
Load grpc proto service from a filename hooking in googleapis common protos when necessary.
Parameters :
Returns :
The gRPC loaded result (the toplevel namespace object). |
metadataBuilder | ||||||
metadataBuilder(headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders)
Defined in src/grpc.ts:199
Parameters :
Returns :
(abTests?: {}, moreHeaders?: any) => any
import * as grpcProtoLoader from '@grpc/proto-loader';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {GoogleAuth, GoogleAuthOptions} from 'google-auth-library';
import * as grpc from '@grpc/grpc-js';
import {OutgoingHttpHeaders} from 'http';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as protobuf from 'protobufjs';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import * as walk from 'walkdir';
import * as gax from './gax';
const googleProtoFilesDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'protos');
// INCLUDE_DIRS is passed to @grpc/proto-loader
const INCLUDE_DIRS: string[] = [];
// COMMON_PROTO_FILES logic is here for protobufjs loads (see
// GoogleProtoFilesRoot below)
.filter(f => path.extname(f) === '.proto')
.map(f => path.normalize(f).substring(googleProtoFilesDir.length + 1));
export interface GrpcClientOptions extends GoogleAuthOptions {
auth?: GoogleAuth;
promise?: PromiseConstructor;
grpc?: GrpcModule;
export interface MetadataValue {
equals: Function;
export interface Metadata {
new (): Metadata;
set: (key: {}, value?: {} | null) => void;
clone: () => Metadata;
value: MetadataValue;
get: (key: {}) => {};
export type GrpcModule = typeof grpc;
export interface ClientStubOptions {
servicePath: string;
port: number;
// TODO: use sslCreds?: grpc.ChannelCredentials;
// tslint:disable-next-line no-any
sslCreds?: any;
export class ClientStub extends grpc.Client {
[name: string]: Function;
export class GrpcClient {
auth: GoogleAuth;
promise: PromiseConstructor;
grpc: GrpcModule;
grpcVersion: string;
* A class which keeps the context of gRPC and auth for the gRPC.
* @param {Object=} options - The optional parameters. It will be directly
* passed to google-auth-library library, so parameters like keyFile or
* credentials will be valid.
* @param {Object=} options.auth - An instance of google-auth-library.
* When specified, this auth instance will be used instead of creating
* a new one.
* @param {Object=} options.grpc - When specified, this will be used
* for the 'grpc' module in this context. By default, it will load the grpc
* module in the standard way.
* @param {Function=} options.promise - A constructor for a promise that
* implements the ES6 specification of promise. If not provided, native
* promises will be used.
* @constructor
constructor(options: GrpcClientOptions = {}) {
this.auth = options.auth || new GoogleAuth(options);
this.promise = options.promise || Promise;
if ('grpc' in options) {
this.grpc = options.grpc!;
this.grpcVersion = '';
} else {
if (semver.gte(process.version, '8.13.0')) {
this.grpc = grpc;
this.grpcVersion = require('@grpc/grpc-js/package.json').version;
} else {
const errorMessage =
'To use @grpc/grpc-js you must run your code on Node.js v8.13.0 or newer. Please see README if you need to use an older version. ' +
throw new Error(errorMessage);
* Creates a gRPC credentials. It asks the auth data if necessary.
* @private
* @param {Object} opts - options values for configuring credentials.
* @param {Object=} opts.sslCreds - when specified, this is used instead
* of default channel credentials.
* @return {Promise} The promise which will be resolved to the gRPC credential.
async _getCredentials(opts: ClientStubOptions) {
if (opts.sslCreds) {
return opts.sslCreds;
const grpc = this.grpc;
const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl();
const client = await this.auth.getClient();
const credentials = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(
return credentials;
* Loads the gRPC service from the proto file at the given path and with the
* given options.
* @param filename The path to the proto file.
* @param options Options for loading the proto file.
loadFromProto(filename: string, options: grpcProtoLoader.Options) {
const packageDef = grpcProtoLoader.loadSync(filename, options);
return this.grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDef);
* Load grpc proto service from a filename hooking in googleapis common protos
* when necessary.
* @param {String} protoPath - The directory to search for the protofile.
* @param {String} filename - The filename of the proto to be loaded.
* @return {Object<string, *>} The gRPC loaded result (the toplevel namespace
* object).
loadProto(protoPath: string, filename: string) {
// This set of @grpc/proto-loader options
// 'closely approximates the existing behavior of grpc.load'
const includeDirs = INCLUDE_DIRS.slice();
const options = {
keepCase: false,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
return this.loadFromProto(filename, options);
static _resolveFile(protoPath: string, filename: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(protoPath, filename))) {
return path.join(protoPath, filename);
} else if (COMMON_PROTO_FILES.indexOf(filename) > -1) {
return path.join(googleProtoFilesDir, filename);
throw new Error(filename + ' could not be found in ' + protoPath);
metadataBuilder(headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders) {
const Metadata = this.grpc.Metadata;
const baseMetadata = new Metadata();
// tslint:disable-next-line forin
for (const key in headers) {
const value = headers[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(v => baseMetadata.add(key, v));
} else {
baseMetadata.set(key, `${value}`);
return function buildMetadata(
abTests?: {},
moreHeaders?: OutgoingHttpHeaders
) {
// TODO: bring the A/B testing info into the metadata.
let copied = false;
let metadata = baseMetadata;
if (moreHeaders) {
for (const key in moreHeaders) {
if (
key.toLowerCase() !== 'x-goog-api-client' &&
) {
if (!copied) {
copied = true;
metadata = metadata.clone();
const value = moreHeaders[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(v => metadata.add(key, v));
} else {
metadata.set(key, `${value}`);
return metadata;
* A wrapper of {@link constructSettings} function under the gRPC context.
* Most of parameters are common among constructSettings, please take a look.
* @param {string} serviceName - The fullly-qualified name of the service.
* @param {Object} clientConfig - A dictionary of the client config.
* @param {Object} configOverrides - A dictionary of overriding configs.
* @param {Object} headers - A dictionary of additional HTTP header name to
* its value.
* @return {Object} A mapping of method names to CallSettings.
serviceName: string,
clientConfig: gax.ClientConfig,
configOverrides: gax.ClientConfig,
headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders
) {
return gax.constructSettings(
{metadataBuilder: this.metadataBuilder(headers)},
* Creates a gRPC stub with current gRPC and auth.
* @param {function} CreateStub - The constructor function of the stub.
* @param {Object} options - The optional arguments to customize
* gRPC connection. This options will be passed to the constructor of
* gRPC client too.
* @param {string} options.servicePath - The name of the server of the service.
* @param {number} options.port - The port of the service.
* @param {grpcTypes.ClientCredentials=} options.sslCreds - The credentials to be used
* to set up gRPC connection.
* @return {Promise} A promse which resolves to a gRPC stub instance.
// tslint:disable-next-line variable-name
async createStub(CreateStub: typeof ClientStub, options: ClientStubOptions) {
const serviceAddress = options.servicePath + ':' + options.port;
const creds = await this._getCredentials(options);
const grpcOptions: {[index: string]: string} = {};
Object.keys(options).forEach(key => {
if (key.startsWith('grpc.')) {
grpcOptions[key.replace(/^grpc\./, '')] = options[key];
const stub = new CreateStub(serviceAddress, creds, grpcOptions);
return stub;
* Creates a 'bytelength' function for a given proto message class.
* See {@link BundleDescriptor} about the meaning of the return value.
* @param {function} message - a constructor function that is generated by
* protobuf.js. Assumes 'encoder' field in the message.
* @return {function(Object):number} - a function to compute the byte length
* for an object.
static createByteLengthFunction(message: {
encode: (obj: {}) => {
finish: () => Array<{}>;
}) {
return function getByteLength(obj: {}) {
return message.encode(obj).finish().length;
export class GoogleProtoFilesRoot extends protobuf.Root {
constructor(...args: Array<{}>) {
// Causes the loading of an included proto to check if it is a common
// proto. If it is a common proto, use the bundled proto.
resolvePath(originPath: string, includePath: string) {
originPath = path.normalize(originPath);
includePath = path.normalize(includePath);
// Fully qualified paths don't need to be resolved.
if (path.isAbsolute(includePath)) {
if (!fs.existsSync(includePath)) {
throw new Error('The include `' + includePath + '` was not found.');
return includePath;
if (COMMON_PROTO_FILES.indexOf(includePath) > -1) {
return path.join(googleProtoFilesDir, includePath);
return GoogleProtoFilesRoot._findIncludePath(originPath, includePath);
static _findIncludePath(originPath: string, includePath: string) {
originPath = path.normalize(originPath);
includePath = path.normalize(includePath);
let current = originPath;
let found = fs.existsSync(path.join(current, includePath));
while (!found && current.length > 0) {
current = current.substring(0, current.lastIndexOf(path.sep));
found = fs.existsSync(path.join(current, includePath));
if (!found) {
throw new Error('The include `' + includePath + '` was not found.');
return path.join(current, includePath);