






constructor(grpcOp: Operation, longrunningDescriptor: LongRunningDescriptor, backoffSettings: BackoffSettings, callOptions?: CallOptions)

Wrapper for a google.longrunnung.Operation.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
grpcOp Operation No
  • The operation to be wrapped.
longrunningDescriptor LongRunningDescriptor No
  • This defines the operations service client and unpacking mechanisms for the operation.
backoffSettings BackoffSettings No
  • The backoff settings used in in polling the operation.
callOptions CallOptions Yes
  • CallOptions used in making get operation requests.


Optional _callOptions
Type : CallOptions
Type : BackoffSettings
Type : number
Optional currentCallPromise_
Type : CancellablePromise<ResultTuple>
Optional done
Type : boolean
Optional error
Type : GoogleError
Type : boolean
Type : Operation
Type : LongRunningDescriptor
Type : Metadata | null
Optional name
Type : string
Optional response
Type : literal type
Type : literal type | null



Begin listening for events on the operation. This method keeps track of how many "complete" listeners are registered and removed, making sure polling is handled automatically.

As long as there is one active "complete" listener, the connection is open. When there are no more listeners, the polling stops.

Returns : void
_unpackResponse(op: Operation, callback?: GetOperationCallback)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
op Operation No
callback GetOperationCallback Yes
Returns : void

Cancels current polling api call and cancels the operation.

Returns : any

the promise of the OperationsClient#cancelOperation api request.


Get the updated status of the operation. If the Operation has previously completed, this will use the status of the cached completed operation.

  • callback(err): Operation failed
  • callback(null, result, metadata, rawResponse): Operation complete
  • callback(null, null, metadata, rawResponse): Operation incomplete
Returns : Promise<literal type>
  • This returns a promise if a callback is not specified. The promise resolves to an array where the first element is the unpacked result, the second element is the metadata, and the third element is the raw response of the api call. The promise rejects if the operation returns an error.
getOperation(callback: GetOperationCallback)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
callback GetOperationCallback No
Returns : void
getOperation(callback?: GetOperationCallback)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
callback GetOperationCallback Yes
Returns : Promise | void

Wraps the complete and error events in a Promise.

Returns : any
  • Promise that resolves on operation completion and rejects on operation error.

Poll getOperation to check the operation's status. This runs a loop to ping using the backoff strategy specified at initialization.

Note: This method is automatically called once a "complete" event handler is registered on the operation.

Returns : void
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {status} from '@grpc/grpc-js';

import {GaxCallPromise, ResultTuple} from '../apitypes';
import {CancellablePromise} from '../call';
import {BackoffSettings, CallOptions} from '../gax';
import {GoogleError} from '../googleError';
import {Metadata, MetadataValue} from '../grpc';

import {LongRunningDescriptor} from './longRunningDescriptor';

 * @callback GetOperationCallback
 * @param {?Error} error
 * @param {?Object} result
 * @param {?Object} metadata
 * @param {?google.longrunning.Operation} rawResponse
export interface GetOperationCallback {
    err?: Error | null,
    result?: {},
    metadata?: {},
    rawResponse?: Operation
  ): void;

export class Operation extends EventEmitter {
  completeListeners: number;
  hasActiveListeners: boolean;
  latestResponse: Operation;
  longrunningDescriptor: LongRunningDescriptor;
  result: {} | null;
  metadata: Metadata | null;
  backoffSettings: BackoffSettings;
  _callOptions?: CallOptions;
  currentCallPromise_?: CancellablePromise<ResultTuple>;
  name?: string;
  done?: boolean;
  error?: GoogleError;
  response?: {value: {}};

   * Wrapper for a google.longrunnung.Operation.
   * @constructor
   * @param {google.longrunning.Operation} grpcOp - The operation to be wrapped.
   * @param {LongRunningDescriptor} longrunningDescriptor - This defines the
   * operations service client and unpacking mechanisms for the operation.
   * @param {BackoffSettings} backoffSettings - The backoff settings used in
   * in polling the operation.
   * @param {CallOptions} callOptions - CallOptions used in making get operation
   * requests.
    grpcOp: Operation,
    longrunningDescriptor: LongRunningDescriptor,
    backoffSettings: BackoffSettings,
    callOptions?: CallOptions
  ) {
    this.completeListeners = 0;
    this.hasActiveListeners = false;
    this.latestResponse = grpcOp;
    this.longrunningDescriptor = longrunningDescriptor;
    this.result = null;
    this.metadata = null;
    this.backoffSettings = backoffSettings;
    this._callOptions = callOptions;

   * Begin listening for events on the operation. This method keeps track of how
   * many "complete" listeners are registered and removed, making sure polling
   * is handled automatically.
   * As long as there is one active "complete" listener, the connection is open.
   * When there are no more listeners, the polling stops.
   * @private
  _listenForEvents() {
    this.on('newListener', event => {
      if (event === 'complete') {

        if (!this.hasActiveListeners) {
          this.hasActiveListeners = true;

    this.on('removeListener', event => {
      if (event === 'complete' && --this.completeListeners === 0) {
        this.hasActiveListeners = false;

   * Cancels current polling api call and cancels the operation.
   * @return {Promise} the promise of the OperationsClient#cancelOperation api
   * request.
  cancel() {
    if (this.currentCallPromise_) {
    const operationsClient = this.longrunningDescriptor.operationsClient;
    return operationsClient.cancelOperation({
    }) as CancellablePromise<ResultTuple>;

   * Get the updated status of the operation. If the Operation has previously
   * completed, this will use the status of the cached completed operation.
   *   - callback(err): Operation failed
   *   - callback(null, result, metadata, rawResponse): Operation complete
   *   - callback(null, null, metadata, rawResponse): Operation incomplete
   * @param {getOperationCallback} callback - Callback to handle the polled
   * operation result and metadata.
   * @return {Promise|undefined} - This returns a promise if a callback is not specified.
   * The promise resolves to an array where the first element is the unpacked
   * result, the second element is the metadata, and the third element is the
   * raw response of the api call. The promise rejects if the operation returns
   * an error.
  getOperation(): Promise<{}>;
  getOperation(callback: GetOperationCallback): void;
  getOperation(callback?: GetOperationCallback): Promise<{}> | void {
    const self = this;
    const operationsClient = this.longrunningDescriptor.operationsClient;

    function promisifyResponse() {
      if (!callback) {
        // tslint:disable-next-line variable-name
        const PromiseCtor = self._callOptions!.promise!;
        return new PromiseCtor((resolve, reject) => {
          if (self.latestResponse.error) {
            const error = new GoogleError(self.latestResponse.error.message);
            error.code = self.latestResponse.error.code;
          } else {
            resolve([self.result, self.metadata, self.latestResponse]);

    if (this.latestResponse.done) {
      this._unpackResponse(this.latestResponse, callback);
      return promisifyResponse();

    this.currentCallPromise_ = (operationsClient.getOperation as GaxCallPromise)(

    const noCallbackPromise = this.currentCallPromise_!.then(responses => {
      self.latestResponse = responses[0] as Operation;
      self._unpackResponse(responses[0] as Operation, callback);
      return promisifyResponse()!;

    if (!callback) {
      return noCallbackPromise;

  _unpackResponse(op: Operation, callback?: GetOperationCallback) {
    const responseDecoder = this.longrunningDescriptor.responseDecoder;
    const metadataDecoder = this.longrunningDescriptor.metadataDecoder;
    let response: {};
    let metadata: Metadata;

    if (op.done) {
      if (op.result === 'error') {
        const error = new GoogleError(op.error!.message);
        error.code = op.error!.code;
        if (callback) {

      if (responseDecoder && op.response) {
        response = responseDecoder(op.response.value);
        this.result = response;

    if (metadataDecoder && op.metadata) {
      metadata = metadataDecoder(op.metadata.value);
      this.metadata = metadata;
    if (callback) {
      callback(null, response!, metadata!, op);

   * Poll `getOperation` to check the operation's status. This runs a loop to
   * ping using the backoff strategy specified at initialization.
   * Note: This method is automatically called once a "complete" event handler
   * is registered on the operation.
   * @private
  startPolling_() {
    const self = this;

    let now = new Date();
    const delayMult = this.backoffSettings.retryDelayMultiplier;
    const maxDelay = this.backoffSettings.maxRetryDelayMillis;
    let delay = this.backoffSettings.initialRetryDelayMillis;
    let deadline = Infinity;
    if (this.backoffSettings.totalTimeoutMillis) {
      deadline = now.getTime() + this.backoffSettings.totalTimeoutMillis;
    let previousMetadataBytes: MetadataValue;
    if (this.latestResponse.metadata) {
      previousMetadataBytes = this.latestResponse.metadata.value;

    // tslint:disable-next-line no-any
    function emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) {
      self.emit(event, ...args);

    function retry() {
      if (!self.hasActiveListeners) {

      if (now.getTime() >= deadline) {
        const error = new GoogleError(
          'Total timeout exceeded before any response was received'
        error.code = status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED;
        setImmediate(emit, 'error', error);

      self.getOperation((err, result, metadata, rawResponse) => {
        if (err) {
          setImmediate(emit, 'error', err);

        if (!result) {
          if (
            rawResponse!.metadata &&
            (!previousMetadataBytes ||
          ) {
            setImmediate(emit, 'progress', metadata, rawResponse);
            previousMetadataBytes = rawResponse!.metadata!.value;
          // special case: some APIs fail to set either result or error
          // but set done = true (e.g. speech with silent file).
          // Don't hang forever in this case.
          if (rawResponse!.done) {
            const error = new GoogleError(
              'Long running operation has finished but there was no result'
            error.code = status.UNKNOWN;
            setImmediate(emit, 'error', error);
          setTimeout(() => {
            now = new Date();
            delay = Math.min(delay * delayMult, maxDelay);
          }, delay);

        setImmediate(emit, 'complete', result, metadata, rawResponse);

   * Wraps the `complete` and `error` events in a Promise.
   * @return {promise} - Promise that resolves on operation completion and rejects
   * on operation error.
  promise() {
    // tslint:disable-next-line variable-name
    const PromiseCtor = this._callOptions!.promise!;
    return new PromiseCtor((resolve, reject) => {
      this.on('error', reject).on(
        (result, metadata, rawResponse) => {
          resolve([result, metadata, rawResponse]);

 * Method used to create Operation objects.
 * @constructor
 * @param {google.longrunning.Operation} op - The operation to be wrapped.
 * @param {LongRunningDescriptor} longrunningDescriptor - This defines the
 * operations service client and unpacking mechanisms for the operation.
 * @param {BackoffSettings} backoffSettings - The backoff settings used in
 * in polling the operation.
 * @param {CallOptions=} callOptions - CallOptions used in making get operation
 * requests.
export function operation(
  op: Operation,
  longrunningDescriptor: LongRunningDescriptor,
  backoffSettings: BackoffSettings,
  callOptions?: CallOptions
) {
  return new Operation(op, longrunningDescriptor, backoffSettings, callOptions);

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