




headers: literal type
Type : literal type
metadataBuilder: function
Type : function
options: literal type
Type : literal type
import {Duplex} from 'stream';

import {CancellablePromise} from './call';
import {CallOptions} from './gax';
import {GoogleError} from './googleError';
import {Operation} from './longRunningCalls/longrunning';

// gRPC functions return object with `.cancel()` method that can be used for
// canceling the ongoing call.
export interface GRPCCallResult {
  cancel(): void;

// All GAX calls take RequestType and return ResultTuple, which can contain up
// to three elements. The first element is always a response (post-processed for
// special types of call such as pagination or long-running), the second
// parameter is defined for paginated calls and stores the next page request
// object, the third parameter stores raw (unprocessed) response object in cases
// when it might be useful for users.
export interface RequestType {}
export type ResponseType = {} | null;
export type NextPageRequestType = {
  [index: string]: string;
} | null;
export type RawResponseType = Operation | {};
export type ResultTuple = [
  NextPageRequestType | undefined,
  RawResponseType | undefined

export interface SimpleCallbackFunction {
  (argument: RequestType, callback: APICallback): GRPCCallResult;

export type APICallback = (
  err: GoogleError | null,
  response?: ResponseType,
  next?: NextPageRequestType,
  rawResponse?: RawResponseType
) => void;

// The following five types mimic various gRPC calls (regular UnaryCall and
// various streaming calls).
export type UnaryCall = (
  argument: {},
  metadata: {},
  options: {},
  callback: APICallback
) => GRPCCallResult;
export type ServerStreamingCall = (
  argument: {},
  metadata: {},
  options: {}
) => Duplex & GRPCCallResult;
export type ClientStreamingCall = (
  metadata: {},
  options: {},
  callback?: APICallback
) => Duplex & GRPCCallResult;
export type BiDiStreamingCall = (
  metadata: {},
  options: {}
) => Duplex & GRPCCallResult;
export type GRPCCall =
  | UnaryCall
  | ServerStreamingCall
  | ClientStreamingCall
  | BiDiStreamingCall;

// GAX wraps gRPC calls so that the wrapper functions return either a
// cancellable promise, or a stream (also cancellable!)
export type CancellableStream = Duplex & GRPCCallResult;
export type GaxCallResult = CancellablePromise<ResultTuple> | CancellableStream;
export interface GaxCallPromise {
    argument: {},
    callOptions?: CallOptions,
    callback?: APICallback
  ): CancellablePromise<ResultTuple>;
export interface GaxCallStream {
    argument: {},
    callOptions?: CallOptions,
    callback?: APICallback
  ): CancellableStream;
export interface GaxCall {
    argument: {},
    callOptions?: CallOptions,
    callback?: APICallback
  ): GaxCallResult;
export interface GRPCCallOtherArgs {
  options?: {deadline?: Date};
  headers?: {};
  metadataBuilder: (abTests?: {}, headers?: {}) => {};

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""