
The MockBidiStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\BidiStreamingCall class (
The MockClientStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ClientStreamingCall class (
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequest
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockRequestBody
Generated from protobuf message google.apicore.testing.MockResponse
The MockServerStreamingCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\ServerStreamingCall class (
The MockStubTrait is used by generated mock stub classes which extent \Grpc\BaseStub ( It provides functionality to add responses, get received calls, and overrides the _simpleRequest method so that the elements of $responses are returned instead of making a call to the API.
The MockUnaryCall class is used to mock out the \Grpc\UnaryCall class (
Class ReceivedRequest used to hold the function name and request object of a call make to a mock gRPC stub.